- Metalgreymon digimon world 2 install#
- Metalgreymon digimon world 2 free#
Crutch Character: During an early point in the game you're given a chance to recruit a Metalgreymon. Crowning Music of Awesome: First Boss Battle/Rival Battles. (This includes the MP requirement and a certain status effect.) The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: Anytime the computer takes control of a Digimon in battle it will ignore any checks that would stop the player from doing the same action. Chekhov's Gunman: GAIA the little robot that Kim repairs. Cool Car/ Weaponized Car: The Digi-Beetle. It seems that Overlord Gaia is the unknown force that took over his mind. Crimson, transforming into Neo Crimson and going back to normal once he is defeated. Brainwashed and Crazy: One of the main tricks up the Blood Knights' sleeve: a device that drives anyone without a neutralizer insane with confusion. Boss Room: Lampshaded in the very first mission in the game. Blood Knights: Interestingly, they were named this before this trope even existed. Animal Theme Naming: Not only are many of the various parts you can buy for your Digi-Beetle named after different types of animals, they're sorted into different catagories, such as sea creatures for the Batteries, birds for BO Xes and insects for RAM. Bertran, Damien, and Joy are all normal if uncommon names, but then we get to Zudokorn, Piyette, and Akira himself. A Taste of Power: During the training mission, you use Zudokorn's digimon. Proceeds Digimon World, Proceeded by Digimon World 3. Defeat Means Friendship is also given an odd twist digimon are shown wandering the map, and you can shoot gifts at them to drastically raise the chances of them joining you, then kill beat them last.Īnother strange quirk of the game is that digimon all have level caps (which they reach rather soon), meaning you have to repeatedly digivolve, de-digivolve, and combine them in order to build a decent team (have in mind that combining them resets the digimon level to 1).
The Digi-Beetle serves as your lifeline in the dungeons it has its own HP, EP, and various tools and weapons you can install to make exploring easier. Of course, it doesn't take long for things to get a lot more complicated than that.
After joining one of the three teams that guard Digital City - the Vaccine-using Gold Hawks, the Data-preferring Blue Falcons, or the Virus-loving Black Sword - he gets his first digimon and sets out to start protecting his home, patrolling various domains, battling or befriending wild digimon, and participating in the various tournaments in his free time. Our hero Akira has just gotten his Tamer Licence and the keys to his brand new Digi-Beetle. However, while the first game was a Mon-raising sim with RPG Elements (and Digimon World 3 and the DS games would be a more typical Eastern RPG), Digimon World 2 tried its hand at the Roguelike formula. Digimon World 2, like its predecessor, was an RPG for the Play Station.